Earlier this week, we reported on the supposed video footage of a woolly mammoth. But that wasn’t the only alleged footage of a monster to hit the internet this week. Now comes news that Lagarfljót’s Worm, the Icelandic version of the Loch Ness Monster, has been filmed in a glacial river by an amateur cameraman. Check out the video and story.
And the article.
My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns hun…
Icelanders are known for their belief in elves and trolls – but could there be a giant worm monster swimming around in the company of the water fairies?
Footage filmed by an amateur cameraman at a glacial river in the east of the country seems to show a huge snakelike creature slinking through the icy water.
Legend has it that a 25 mile-long lake is home to Lagarfljót’s Worm, the Icelandic version of the Loch Ness Monster, with tales being told of the beast going back to 1345.
As the story goes, the monster grew from being a tiny worm after a girl placed a gold ring on it to increase the size of the piece of jewellery.
On her return however, it wasn’t the ring that had grown but the wriggling creature – into a giant serpent.
And the worm didn’t stop getting bigger. Flung into Lake Lagarfljot by the terrified child, the beast eventually turned into a ferocious, humped and poision-spitting dragon nearly 100 metres long that continued to live in the lake.
Some fanciful reports suggest that the monster has been spotted slithering into the trees and that it is as long as the lake itself.
Unsurprisingly, sightings of Lagarfljót’s Worm are considered a bad omen.
One sceptical explanation might be that the worm monster is actually an abandoned fishing net that was frozen in the river and, once partially-thawed, was wound through the waters by the current.
Gases rising from the lakebed, creating openings in the ice and sweeping along tangled debris that has fallen from the mountainside has also been offered as an account of some sightings.
But cryptozoology expert Loren Coleman suspects a greater degree of human hoaxery.
“What concerns me the most is the robotic look of this creature,” he is reported to have said.
“If you look at that head, it appears like somebody’s put a constructed anaconda head there, and behind it, the natural movement of a snake should give a much more flowing curve to the sections.”
Coleman added: “What concerned me immediately was when I saw the tail section moving in unison with the next section; there’s no movement in that one section as it goes side-to-side.
“A snake moves in a sort of ‘s’ curve. But in this video, you get a blocking of the movement of the creature, which tells us it’s probably very artificial.”
I have to agree with Loren Coleman here. This looks very artificial, and some other things I noticed are that 1) the “worm” is always at the exact same depth in the water, and 2) the wake of this creature seems to be a little bit ahead of the actual head, indicating some sort of mechanism beneath the water, perhaps towing the mechanism. I also always wonder why the cameramen who shoot these videos never seem more shocked to be filming the alleged Bigfoot, UFO, ghost, lake monster, chupacabra, or whatever it is they claim to be filming. We can hear the wind clearly in this clip, so why no exclamations of excitement? And what’s with the two very different camera angles? To me, this all screams hoax. What do you think?