UFO Crash at Bantam Lake
Home » Episode 8: UFO Crash at Bantam Lake?

Episode 8: UFO Crash at Bantam Lake?

Episode 8 is here, and this one is very personal story! I did a blog post 10 years ago about an alleged UFO that crashed into Bantam Lake, in Litchfield, Connecticut. I have been camping at Point Folly on Bantam Lake with my family since I was a child, so of course this was a story that grabbed my attention. Witnesses at the time described seeing a large, whale-shaped object, with a green glow, descend into the lake. Apparently, the fire department and state troopers went to investigate but could find no sign of whatever crashed. Most people chalked it up to a meteor that landed in the lake. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, as the lake is ringed with homes.

Fast forward to this summer, and my family is yet again planning a camping trip to Bantam Lake. My father was recently watching a show called UFO Witness on the Travel Channel. And one of their episodes takes a closer look at “the Bantam Lake UFO.” Once he told me about that, it rekindled my interest in the story. And so with limited time this week (mainly due to camping at Bantam Lake), I figured it was the perfect time to talk more about this particular story. Of course, the TV show people made this story out to be much more than what it most likely was (just a meteor). But it was still cool to revisit this incident.

In addition, I talk a little bit about a red, glowing UFO that I had seen on Bantam Lake with my buddy John, some 27 years ago. I’ll definitely have John on in the future to discuss that sighting in more detail. But I wanted to talk about it this week and link it to this green UFO. A shorter, yet more personal episode this week, so I hope you enjoy! And please let me know if you like these more personal stories from me. I have a bunch more to talk about!