My brother Keith sent me the link to this story, about a UFO seen over the Bronx right here in New York City, and the fact that it spurred some calls to 911. UFOs are nothing new here in New York (hell, even John Lennon reportedly saw one while living here), but I have a feeling that the “extraterrestrial” orbs these people were seeing were probably not alien spaceships.
Definitely weird-looking…
The truth is out there — and it’s hovering over The Bronx.
A mysterious light in the sky so freaked out some Hunts Points residents that they called authorities to report their only possible explanation: the arrival of aliens from outer space.
A “flying spaceship” is moving swiftly over East 149th Street and the Bruckner Expressway, one terrified woman told a 911 operator Saturday night, according to an FDNY source.
Juan Marrero said he, too, had a close encounter.
“I look up and see this fireball, ‘Whoosh!’ and then another, ‘Whoosh!’ ” said Marrero, 57, a pigeon fancier who was on the roof of his building at 11:30 p.m. when he saw two bright lights streaking across the sky. “From one side of the sky to the other, too fast for an airplane.”
Andres Morales, 25, said he also saw the speedy orb — and did his best to document his out-of-this-world experience.
“I stuck my hand out the car window and snapped like crazy,” he told The Post. “I don’t know what it was but it was moving crazy fast.”
It’s not the first time locals have said extraterrestrial immigrants boogied down from another galaxy to check out the neighborhood. Unusual lights in the sky were seen in the same area last year, and also in 2011, according to self-described “UFO journalist” Ryan Sprague.
“I definitely think we’re dealing with anomalies that could potentially be nonhuman,” Sprague said.
East 149th Street is close to La Guardia Airport, which could lead to “misidentifications,” Sprague conceded, though he said witnesses should not be discounted.
Those who saw the orb on Saturday, and the one last May, echoed the same description — a light that “just sort of hovered, stationary, and then shot off in the blink of an eye,” he stressed.
“The maneuvers these objects seem to be making don’t fit with any current technology that we’re aware of,” Sprague said.
“They’re not moving, then darting off at unbelievable speeds,” he explained. “I just don’t think that’s something a human could survive.”
But why The Bronx?
“To study us,” one longtime resident offered. “Maybe they want to learn to break dance.”
I’m guessing the two “fireballs” were probably just meteors. Fast moving, on fire, streaking across the sky – all the hallmarks. Especially since there were two of them, probably fragmenting as it entered the atmosphere. Of course it’s also possible that the aliens came to town to watch the Yankees beat the tar out of the Mets.