Normally we are pretty snarky and mean here, especially when it comes to anything that has to do with any of the ten bazillion paranormal reality TV shows out there right now. However when I bumbled across this story I knew there would be no place for snark (especially because of the whole, y’know, cancer thing). Ryan Buell, star of “Paranormal State,” will be speaking at his alma mater in February about the struggles with being Catholic, bisexual, and on TV.
Ryan Buell
Ryan Buell, founder of the Paranormal Research Society, director of the A&E show, Paranormal State, and Penn State alum, will be coming back to Dear Old State to give a presentation as a keynote speaker for the College of Communications’ Office of Multicultural Affairs.
His presentation will be entitled, “Faith, Spirituality, God and Sexuality: Coming Out While Starring in a TV Show,” and will discuss his feelings about coming out as a bisexual man and the struggle he had trying to balance his feelings with his Catholic faith. His 2010 memoir, Paranormal State: My Journey Into the Unknown also goes more in-depth with his feelings.
Carmen Frost, event coordinator with the Office of Multicultural Affairs, invited Buell to speak with the Penn State community, and to help them gain a better understanding of what LGBT people go through.
“Regardless of our different beliefs — Republicans, Democrats, Independents — we are all human beings with feelings, hopes, and dreams for our future,” she said.
She also hopes that with Buell’s presentation, the community will come out with a greater understanding and empathy towards the LGBT community, as well as towards “all human beings who have different beliefs or lifestyles than what they are accustomed to.”
Buell’s presentation will take place at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of 100 Thomas on Thursday, February 21. There is a suggested donation of $5 for students, and $10 for the general public, which will benefit the LGBT Resource Center and Multicultural Affairs. Seating for the event will be on a first come, first serve basis. The Facebook event can be found here.
Ryan has been using his relative fame for many good causes, including cancer research, anti-bullying, and LGBT support. We may not have liked his show, but we can’t help but like him as a person.