Looking for stories to blog about here is not always as easy as it seems. Sure, there are plenty of stories out there. But unfortunately, most of them are about people photographing dust and claiming the orbs are ghosts, or blurry photos of alleged UFOs or Bigfoot, or some yokel from a paranormal group claiming they have irrefutable “proof” of a ghost on an EVP that only they seem to be able to hear, or news that there are more paranormal shows coming to SyFy or Animal Planet or the Travel Channel (because, you know, we need more bastardization and embarrassment of the field). Frankly, it all makes me want to run away from the paranormal field completely. Then I saw this press release, and it made me very happy. So happy that I almost forgot about wanting to punch people in the brain. In Search Of… was the show that got me interested in the paranormal in the first place, long before I could voraciously read anything and everything about the paranormal I could get my hands on. And now, the complete series is on DVD.
Leonard Nimoy and the paranormal…how could you go wrong?
From the Press Release:
Entering our galaxy for the first time in any home entertainment format is In Search Of… The Complete Series, available December 4th in a special DVD collector’s set from Visual Entertainment, Inc. (VEI).
Hosted by the iconic, Emmy Award-winning Leonard Nimoy (“Star Trek”), this popular documentary television series (1976-1982) traversed the globe with a team of researchers, scientists and highly skilled technicians to conduct in-depth investigations of a wide variety of mysteries and to explore the unexplained.
So popular it spawned six books, “In Search Of…” took a fresh look at such controversial and mystifying topics as the paranormal; witchcraft; notorious murders; infamous cults; conspiracy theories; missing persons, cities and ships; naturally occurring phenomena; scientific breakthroughs; age-old myths; the lore surrounding historical events and figures; and the downright peculiar!
From the rumored existence of Nazi plunder to the real-life inspiration for Sherlock Holmes to tracking the Loch Ness monster to reincarnation to UFO cover ups (and much more!), it’s an entertaining romp that no sci-fi fan, mystery enthusiast, scientific devotee or history buff will want to miss!
152 episodes on 21 discs (approx. 63+ hours).
Two Rod Serling-hosted specials, which aired prior to the start of the Nimoy-hosted series, and the re-launched 2002 series (eight hour-long episodes) hosted by Mitch Pileggi (“The X-Files”).
In Search Of… The Complete Series is presented in full screen (aspect ratio: 4×3) and stereo.
Here’s to hoping that Santa Claus reads The Occult Section…