I came across this article today, and the accompanying video, and I have to say, I’m not impressed at all. Supposedly, a woolly mammoth was captured on video, crossing a river in Siberia. Now, while I do believe that the possibility exists that small populations of these creatures could still be surviving in the farthest reaches of Siberia, this video does not prove that they still exist. Take a look for yourself, and then read my thoughts and analysis.
And the article.
Big Bird saw a woolly mammoth too, Mr. Cohen.
A BEAST lurches through icy waters in a sighting a paranormal investigator thinks could prove woolly mammoths are not extinct after all.
The animal – thought to have mostly died out roughly 4,000 years ago – was apparently filmed wading through a river in the freezing wilds of Siberia.
The jaw-dropping footage was caught by a government-employed engineer last summer in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug region of Siberia, it is claimed.
He filmed the elephant-sized creature as it struggled against the racing water.
Its hair matches samples recovered from mammoth remains regularly dug up from the permafrost in frozen Russia.
The official was reportedly in the area surveying for a planned road.
Paranormal writer Michael Cohen said: “Rumours of a handful of mammoths still kicking around in the vast wilderness of Siberia have been circulating for decades and occasionally sightings by locals have occurred.
“Siberia is an enormous territory and much of it remains completely unexplored and untouched by humans. “
Woolly mammoths roamed the Earth 10,000 years ago during the last Ice Age.
A small pocket remained on and around Wrangel Island, off the coast of Siberia, and these did not die out until 3,500 years ago.
Mr Cohen, 41, added: “It is highly possible that a number of species, extinct elsewhere, survive in the area.
“If surviving woolly mammoths were found in Siberia, it could run against Russia’s plans to further develop and exploit the area’s considerable resources.
“It would be potentially one of the greatest discoveries ever.”
But viewers are divided on the nature of the animal seen in the video. Some have dismissed it as a hoax while others reckon it is an elephant lost in the Siberian wilderness. The third theory is the sighting shows a bear eating a huge fish. What do you think?
I only had to watch the video once to notice something very odd about it. If you look closely, you can see the white foam of the river waves hitting the “mammoth” moves along with it perfectly, almost as if it was superimposed, or digitized. The subject also never takes its trunk out of the water. And why didn’t the cameraman try to get any closer? To me, all of these things scream hoax. It’s also interesting to note that they quote Michael Cohen, the same paranormal researcher that thought the ghost of Princess Diana was captured on film at a Scottish Church. This mammoth video has his copyright on it, and the actual cameraman is never named. Similar to the case of Princess Diana’s ghost (which is a horribly obvious fake), the actual cameraman is not named, but Michael Cohen has the “exclusive scoop.” I’d say Mr. Cohen is someone to be extremely wary of. Shenanigans, I say.