Home » Osama bin Laden: The Conspiracy Theories

Osama bin Laden: The Conspiracy Theories

This was of course a very historic week for America and the world. And while there was much celebrating over the death over Osama bin Laden, it didn’t take long for the partisan politics to come to the forefront, with Democrats claiming a huge victory and Republicans trying to give the credit to George W. Bush. Neither is right, of course, and it was a years-long effort by the military and intelligence agencies, and whomever was in power would have pulled the trigger, so to speak (I don’t identify with either party, so perhaps that’s why I don’t feel the need to assign credit to any particular president or party). But along with this news also came something else: conspiracy theories.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy. But the interesting thing about conspiracies is that there’s no way to disprove them, really. Try, and the believers will just claim that that’s why it was such a good conspiracy. The conspirators covered it up so well, that the truth will never be revealed! Right? Anyways. The two main conspiracy theories that have come out about OBL are that he’s either been dead for years already, or that we didn’t really get him and he’s still alive. If you’ll indulge me, I’d like to give my thoughts on each of these.

Conspiracy Theory #1 – Osama bin Laden has been dead for years: This one is interesting to me, because it seems like most of the people supporting this theory are Republicans and are trying to say that OBL was killed on George W. Bush’s watch. They’re claiming that he has been dead for a while, and that Obama is only claiming to have killed bin Laden now because his approval ratings are (were) so low. And in one way, it does seem like pretty fortuitous timing for Mr. Obama. But if the Republicans had killed him years ago, then why not announce their big secret while they were getting hammered in the polls before the last election? Wouldn’t that have brought Americans to the side of the Republicans more than Sarah Palin did? I would think so. So that argument doesn’t really make any sort of sense to me, and if it don’t make sense, it probably ain’t true.



Would he lie to you?



Conspiracy Theory #2 – Osama bin laden is still alive: I can understand this conspiracy theory a little bit more than the first one, but it still doesn’t hold much water. I mean, if Osama is still alive and was not killed in that compound in Pakistan, he could very easily release a video statement holding a current newspaper and be like “Hey, I’m still alive.” And why wouldn’t he? That being said, there are still a few things that bother me about the way the United States has handled things post May 2nd. First of all, they got rid of his body awfully quick. In a way, I kind of get that they wanted to be respectful and give him a proper Muslim burial. I understand they didn’t want a “shrine” for him, where extremists could come and pay their respects. But then again, really?? You’ve just taken down the most wanted criminal in the world, and you dispose of the best proof there is that you actually got him? Without letting any other nations verify it independently? I also find it hard to believe that hardened military men would be so concerned about showing Osama respect. It just all seemed a bit quick for my liking. Then the White House announced that they were not going to release any of the photos of bin Laden’s body or burial at sea. Again, I understand the respect angle, and not wanting to show graphic photos. And honestly, a photo, no matter how authentic, would ever convince any of the conspiracy theorists. They would claim Photoshopping and whatnot. But at this point, it just seems as though the U.S. government is saying “We got him, we have oodles of proof, but we can’t show you any of it. But take our word for it. Would we lie?”

Conspiracy theories, by their nature, cannot be proven or disproven. Either you believe in them, regardless of evidence to the contrary, or you don’t believe in them, regardless of evidence to the contrary. It can always be spun in whatever direction you lean towards. The government can say whatever it wants, and we have very little choice in the matter. The government has kept secrets before, regardless of what the skeptics want you to believe. The Manhattan Project, the Stealth Bomber, etc.  Sure there were whispers of these things before they were eventually revealed. But there were whispers of Roswell, of the Kennedy assassination, of even 9/11 itself being a conspiracy, which just adds a whole new dimension to the Osama bin Laden conspiracy theory. So what do you believe?

1 comment
  • Nice blog!

    I believe hes been dead for years, and Im not Republican. :D, but I dont think he was killed either, least of all by the Bush administration. Osama was sick on dialysis with liver or kidney problems. Its not impossible that be planned his attacks/ 911, and prerecorded his messages in case of his untimely death due to illness. His peoples could carry on his work, and the brilliant thing about it is all the blame is going on a dead man, and everyone just runs around in circles trying to find him.

    I believe the man died of health complications, and the Gov put this whole death thing together to 1) Put an end to this and claim a victory for America, because there is no glory in the guy having his body fail him. It gives people a sadistic pleasure and sense of justice to know Osama was blasted in the face. 2) Obama plays the “we got Osama” card now to boost his approval rating and American morale. With that boost, he can go ahead and do whatever the hell he wants regarding war, terrorism and security now.

    If you beleive that 9/11 is a coverup and “we” set it up, then this could just be part 2 to whatever hell the big plan is. I could go nuts spewing out other Illuminati conspiracy things, but I dont want to go crazy posting here. lol. Its also possible that maybe they didnt kill Osama, but one of his sons who looks ridiculously like him, and thats why the DNA matches and what not? Oops, our bad.

    A sick part of me wants to see all kinds of proof too. Theres been way too many questionable acts, dirt done, and Presidents lying that we know about since government was created for us to just roll over and believe anything anyone in a position of power has to say these days. I dont care of its gruesome. What bothers me is the excuse for not releasing the proof is “Its unethical and un-American”…. yet, ambushing an unarmed man and double tapping him in the face is??

    Sometimes I feel like we brutally killed a man with very little SOLID evidence that he was the mastermind behind it all. Just because someone admits to something, does that make it true? Was there actually solid evidence of Osama putting all this in motion, or is it more of us just believing what the Government tells us?

    What if Osama was just a decoy, and hes under the REAL leader? Its their religion to sacrifice themselves for what they are fighting for. He became a patsy knowing that he may be killed…. I could go on and on….