If you’re looking to assert your educational superiority about the paranormal with your family, friends, casual acquaintances, and strangers on the street – and you happen to live in Indiana, this article may be of interest to you.
The best part is? Since Ivy Tech Community College clearly did know how to classify paranormal courses, it ended up throwing them in the “Department of Workforce and Economic Development,” which, as the article later states, “provides high-quality, cost-effective, short-term, career-relevant training solutions aligned with the needs of today’s employers as well as short-term, noncredit, personal enrichment classes for Hoosiers who understand that learning doesn’t have to end with a degree.” Are there any actual jobs out there where these kind of courses are relevant? I’m going to have to modify my resume….
The graduation ceremony was purr-fect
Ivy Tech Community College is offering two Paranormal Investigation courses, one in Kokomo and the other in Peru through the Kokomo Region of the Department of Workforce and Economic Development.This class is meant to explore the world of the paranormal in a way that one may not have considered before. This course consists of much self-discovery and exploration into the area of the paranormal. Participants will be led into the world of the paranormal through the guidance of Al Taylor, who is the PR director of Indiana Ghost Trackers. Participants will learn the code of conduct and safety along with proper instruction on how to use paranormal equipment. The course ends with an investigative field trip.
The first section of the course is in Kokomo from Oct. 5-26 from 6:30-9 p.m. The second section of the course will take place in Peru from Oct. 7-28 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. Both courses are, in essence, the same, although the second starts a few days later in Peru. The cost to enroll for these classes is $75. The only requirement is that participants must be 16 years of age of older. Participants can choose to pay in person or by phone after registration. To register and pay online go to: www.ivytech.edu/actnow/registernow.html. It should be noted that if choosing to pay online, the participant will be asked to pay at the time of purchase.
Ivy Tech previously offered a Paranormal Investigation course from April 22-May 13 in Kokomo. The previous course also was headed by Taylor and it taught various investigative techniques along with learning about electronic voice phenomena (EVP) and paranormal photography in depth. It should be noted, however, that students are not required to take the previous course. It is a course that is open to anyone who wants to know more about certain paranormal activity. For more information about this course, please contact Chad Lewis who is the Continuing Education Coordinator for the Kokomo region. He can be reached at: (800) 459-0561, ext. 528 or email [email protected].
Ivy Tech Community College Kokomo Region’s Department of Workforce and Economic Development provides high-quality, cost-effective, short-term, career-relevant training solutions aligned with the needs of today’s employers as well as short-term, noncredit, personal enrichment classes for Hoosiers who understand that learning doesn’t have to end with a degree.