I have to admit, Mothman is one of my favorite unexplained mysteries. Not because I fully believe that a giant moth-like humanoid terrorized Point Pleasant, West Virginia, from 1966 to 1967. But mainly just because the whole story is so bizarre. There are other stories about similar beings, but not many. Mothman just isn’t quite as prolific as Bigfoot. But The York Press is reporting that a woman from York took a strange photo while vacationing in Nuremberg, Germany. This article presents it as a possible UFO or ghost, but other articles have mentioned that it also looks like Mothman. So is Mothman in Germany now?
Didn’t this guy fight Godzilla once?
A WOMAN from York captured an unexplained object in her holiday snaps this month, and wants your help identifying it.
Abbey Linfoot, 22, was on a European holiday with her boyfriend when she took a photo of this street in Nuremberg.
When she looked at the photo later, she saw something she couldn’t explain, high above the buildings.
“I was taking lots of photos to show people where we’d been, but when I got back into the car I noticed there was something on this one,“ said Abbey, who is currently studying at Newcastle University “I just though, ‘What it that? That looks weird’, and couldn’t work out what it was.”
Abbey has shown the picture to friends and family, including a photography student, and nobody has yet come up with a clear explanation.
“I thought it looked like a cherub,” said Bev, Abbey’s mother.
“I also thought it looked a bit like a naked Buzz Lightyear toy, but could be a bee or an insect or something.”
Looking into the region online, Bev found there had been a fatal crash at an airshow near Nuremberg earlier this summer.
“There was a crash on September 5 where one person was killed and nearly 40 injured.
It’s really odd,” said Bev.
So what do you think – is this a trick of the light, a partly-invisible insect, a naked space ranger or something else?
To me, the photos look like something that was Photoshopped or otherwise edited. Or, it could very well be an insect very close to the camera. Of course “naked Buzz Lightyear” is just as plausible an explanation as Mothman. Though I sort of feel like a Naked Buzz Lightyear ride would work out just fine in Germany…