Ok, mark your calendars. You might want to avoid New Kensington, PA on October 10th of this year. You see, on that date, “researcher” Robert Goerman wants to gather those who believe in strange creatures such as Bigfoot, aliens and fairies for a “chant” in order to contact these creatures. Flash News has the story. But if you must go to Pennsylvania, I recommend sticking to Philadelphia.
I’m guessing it would taste a little gamey.
NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. (Wireless Flash – FlashNews) – One man is trying to set up a very weird date on 10/10/10.
On October 10, 2010, researcher Robert Goerman wants to gather folks who believe in strange creatures like Bigfoot, fairies, and extraterrestrials for something he calls “OtherWorld Contact Day.”
Goerman urges believers to attempt contact with these “visitors from other worlds” throughout the day using special messages and chants so we can figure out if they exist once and for all.
He adds, “I don’t know if we can get an answer, but we’ll try. Some of them may not speak English. If they do, we’ll share it with the world.”
Goerman thinks these weird, mythical creatures are actually “transient anomalies,” meaning they live in a different realm and only visit planet Earth when called upon.
He says the fact that there’s no “roadkill of little fairies or a carcass of Bigfoot” proves this, along with the many discovered footprints that seem to start and end nowhere.
Maybe dead fairies are being found, but simply being turned into stew by hillbillies?