The Canadian. It never lets me down. This is one of those stories that isn’t really funny, but the actual eyewitness report is. Apparently this guy in Los Angeles spotted a triangular UFO the color of the moon. And I’m guessing [cms/tg/pd] is the Canadian way for censoring explitives. I prefer the !@#$, but that’s just me.
Here is the report direct from the witness. Who says the hippie drug culture is gone?
That was truly a life changing event, i’m speechless! 6 spheres, or 1 craft just flew right over for everyone in los angeles to see.
You just had to be looking up to the south to see the most amazing thing!
i’ve always been a skeptic until tonight. i’m still spooked as i’m writing this. it passed thru my line of sight for at least 5 seconds, no aound, no [cms/tg/pd] sound. there was a plane heading southwest, thats what originally caught my eye. and then heading from my left to right, 6 lights appeared in a triangle formation, i said holy [cms/tg/pd], as it gracefully crossed my line of sight, i noticed the spheres were opaque, beige tinted kinda like the color of the moon through clouds! (there is not a cloud in the sky tonight) as it passed and started to fade it almost appeared to rotate or tumble, and then was gone flying south!
oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! somebody else had to see this. IT FLEW RIGHT OVER LOS ANGELES, and was definitely visible long enough to be filmed.
i stared into the sky, motionless, mouth dry from a dropped jaw for ten minutes, tingling with chicken skin from head to toe. i contemplated what i saw, and i remember automatically thinking that we are not alone, and i saw proof of it tonight! that was not manmade, it was [cms/tg/pd] cruisin man. theres no way that i can judge how far away it was, but in contrast to the plane moving like a slug at altitude, this thing was agile and silent.
I also remember waiting for the sound wave that shouldve followed, and there was nothing, the light rumble of a plane at nearby lax is all i heard! i lost sight of it in the distance! the hairs on the back of my neck are still standing! someone else had to see this, i’m not [cms/tg/pd] crazy! i dont see things. my life is forever changed!