Haunted firehouses are certainly popular. We’ve investigated an alleged haunted firehouse, and I’ve even taken a tour of the now-closed Fire Patrol No. 2 (which will most likely be torn down to make way for some sort of housing development in the near future). And this story out of Virginia is pretty tame, just a little blurb about another firehouse that may be haunted. I’ll give you three guesses as to why I chose to post this article, though (I’ll give you a hint – it’s repeated three times):
There’s a reason the Ghostbusters used a firehouse as their headquarters
TOMS BROOK, Va. (AP) ― Weird things happen at the Toms Brook Fire Hall.
Lights turn on and off, doors open and close, and pots and pans fly off of shelves — by themselves.
Former fire chief Richard Funkhouser says it’s all the work of a ghost that wears a floppy hat, square glasses and a riding coat.
Funkhouser and others who’ve seen the apparition call him George.
Funkhouser says sightings of George are reported at the old fire hall as well as the current one, which was built in 1983.
Members of the Virginia Independent Paranormal Society investigated the Toms Brook Fire Hall last year. Co-founder Rusty Edmondson says the group’s equipment detected images of mists, orbs and energy balls.