If you’ve voted in one Romanian election, you’ve voted in them all. Can you imagine this happening in the United States? Obama vs. McCain and a parapsychologist sending bad vibes all over the place. I think the lesson here is clear: never trust a man with a beard.
Aliodor Manolea (left, with beard), a parapsychologist, was seen next to Romania’s President Traian Basescu (right) at an event last month. Manolea’s specialties include deep mind control. (Associated Press via Octav Ganea/ Gandul Daily)
BUCHAREST, Romania – Was a top contender for the Romanian presidency zapped out of the race by a shadowy parapsychologist enlisted by his rival?
The claim might be dismissed as preposterous in most other European Union countries. But here in Romania, home of Dracula and other occult traditions, Mircea Geoana’s assertion that a “negative energy attack’’ led to his narrow loss to reelected President Traian Basescu has been the talk of the nation.
Like most former Soviet bloc nations, Romania is used to rough and tumble politics and the first claims and counterclaims after Basescu’s narrow Dec. 6 runoff victory were nothing out of the ordinary, with Geoana’s people complaining of massive fraud.
Then came the startling allegation: Geoana, in media interviews last week, asserted that he was targeted by waves of negative energy during a key debate just before the runoff that was won by Basescu.
“People who were working for Basescu in this domain were present to the right of the camera,’’ Geoana told Antena 3 Television. His wife, Mihaela said Geoana “was very badly attacked, he couldn’t concentrate.’’
At first Romanians mocked their former foreign minister saying he was a bad loser. Basescu himself jokingly dismissed the allegations. But the recent publication of photos showing well-known parapsychologist Aliodor Manolea close to Basescu during the campaign has caused Romanians to wonder whether the president really did put a hex on his rival.
The photos show Manolea, a slightly built, bearded man with a round face and cropped receding hair, walking yards behind Basescu ahead of the debate. Manolea’s specialties include deep mind control, clairvoyance, and hypnotic trance, according to the Romanian Association of Transpersonal Psychology.
I kind of am enjoying this. Imagine “negative energy” being used as an excuse for…well, everything. I did poorly in math in high school because someone was sending me negative energy. I overslept because of negative energy. I lost my job because of negative energy. I killed that guy because of negative energy! I swear it’s a valid excuse!