“The Occult Section” is what many bookstores used to call what is now the “New Age” section. This section of course has books on all sorts of paranormal topics, like ghosts, ghost hunting, vampires, werewolves, Wicca, Tarot, Bigfoot, UFOs, books by “psychics,” and all manner of weird and wonderful stuff.
The Occult Section started out as a regular column on my very first paranormal website TheUnexplained.net, where I reviewed books on all things paranormal, supernatural and unexplained. Eventually it grew to cover television shows and news articles on paranormal topics. A few years back I joined a paranormal investigations group, and closed down TheUnexplained.net in order to focus on ghost hunting. We decided to resurrect The Occult Section as this blog, and it is now the official blog of our group, the New York Paranormal Society. Being paranormal investigators, we have some unique insights and behind the scenes knowledge about a lot of what goes on in this field. So we tackle the topic with a healthy dose of humor and sarcasm. But occasionally we do take things seriously. Enjoy!
-Jason Stroming