Home » TV star Bob Saget learns about Bigfoot…

TV star Bob Saget learns about Bigfoot…

Ok, so in keeping with the theme of yesterday’s entry of television stars becoming hosts of shows dealing with the paranormal and unexplained, The Peninsula Daily News is reporting that Bob Saget, former star of “America’s Funniest Home Videos” and “Full House,” will be doing a new show on A&E.

bigfoot, sasquatch
Bigfoot on “America’s Funniest Home Videos.” Their best videos always involve the groin.

“Bob Saget’s Strange Days” delves into weird, wild stuff: biker gangs, partying Amish teenagers, mail-order brides, a survivalist cult — and, of course, Bigfoot.

So out Saget came to the North Olympic Peninsula to peek at the West End woods and interview John Bindernagel, author of two books about the hairy creature supposedly living in the deep forest.

And since Saget wanted a nice spot to meet Bindernagel — who came down from Courtenay, British Columbia — he and his entourage found the George Washington Inn, a replica of the first U.S. president’s estate in Mount Vernon, Va.

“He needed a location that looked a bit formal,” said Janet Abbott, who with her husband, Dan, owns and operates the inn.

The Sasquatch episode of “Bob Saget’s Strange Days” will air in late summer or early fall, the producers told Abbott.

Meantime, Bindernagel — the self-described “token scientist” in the show — said he’ll have another Bigfoot book out by June.

Again, I tend to geek out whenever any shows about the paranormal come out. The TV seems to be inundated these days with shows about ghost hunters, so it’s nice to see some shows coming out that will be dealing with something other than ghost hunting.