Two stories on the White House being haunted in the same week! I’d love to get in there and do an investigation. And totally pretend to be president. Jenna Bush recently interviewed with Jay Leno (wearing a super cute dress, I might add) and said she had some ghostly encounters while living in the White House.
The daughter of former President George W Bush has claimed she saw ghosts during her time in the White House.
Jenna Bush Hager told chat show host Jay Leno she had been terrified by spooky events near the fireplace in her bedroom.
The 27-year-old teacher, who now works as an education correspondent for the Today Show said: ‘I heard a ghost. I was asleep, there was a fireplace in my room and all of a sudden I heard 1920s music coming out.
‘I could feel it, I freaked out and ran into my sister’s room. She was like “Please go back to sleep this is ridiculous”.
‘The next week we were both asleep in my room, the phone had rang and woke us up.
‘We were talking and going back to bed when all of a sudden we heard this opera, coming out of the fireplace.
‘We couldn’t believe it, we both jumped in bed and were asking the people that worked there the next morning “Are we crazy?”
‘We tried to rationalise it, but they said they heard it there all the time.’